Warner's Blue Ribbon Books on Swarovski Crystal
Swarovski Pictures aid in accurate Crystal Figurine Identification
Swarovski pictures are an important part of the Swarovski books. Collectors relate visually to pictures for crystal figurine identification, then continue reading for more details when different variations exist for a particular product.
Warner's Blue Ribbon Book on Swarovski 3 Volume Set has over 3000 Swarovski pictures in it. The Swarovski photographs may be color or black and white, depending on the Swarovski catalog set purchased.
Insuring your Collection using personal Swarovski Photos, our Swarovski Pictures, and ERV
These Swarovski catalogs were written for the purpose of insuring Swarovski crystal. The books are updated annually with new figurines and new Swarovski ERV for each crystal figurine in the book. Many insurance agents will accept the book documented with our Swarovski photos and ERVs in order to maintain a collectibles insurance policy on a crystal collection of Swarovski figurines.
Depending on the size and value of the collection, an agent may require additional information. An agent may want personal photographs of the Swarovski crystal being insured. If this is the case, a collector should take pictures of small groupings of Swarovski figurines so that all are identifiable in the photo. Then repeat the process until all groupings of crystal are accounted for.
Warner's Blue Ribbon Book Swarovski Picture Photos are Copyrighted
Taking quality Swarovski pictures can be difficult. Digital cameras do not always focus on the right part of the crystal. Lighting reflections make the pictures unattractive. The list can go on. With only a few exceptions, the Warner's personally photograph all the crystal figurines in the Swarovski books. If the Swarovski crystal figurines are items they do not own, they have traveled to other collector's homes to get the best photographs possible.
The Swarovski photos in these books are copyrighted. While collectors are certainly permitted to copy them for insurance purposes, then cannot be copied, used, or duplicated in any fashion for any other use. If you are selling your figurine in an online auction, it is NOT permitted to use the Swarovski photos from our book to advertise your crystal for sale. If you have an old copy of the Warner's Books, it is NOT permitted to photograph pages in the book for samples. It is ok to photograph the book cover. It is ok to provide a link to the book descriptions on this site, which do include page samples with a watermark on.